Little Women: A Modern Audio Drama
4 years ago

Bonus Episode #8: Mr. Josephine March

Ahead of Professor Bhaer’s (Kwame Phillips) debut on our podcast later this week, Shannon and comedian Jesse Whitehead discuss this controversial character and what his inclusion means to the world of Little Women. Why does he exist? What values did he represent to Louisa and readers at the time? And most importantly, does his marriage to Jo really undercut the book’s feminist themes?

This episode also features the voice of Jessica Leff as Louisa May Alcott.

* We apologize for some minor audio issues that occurred on my end during this episode. It shouldn’t happen again.*

This episode was edited by our own Zach Powers, also of The Revisionists podcast.

Check out more of Jesse’s podcasting work by listening to What Is It This Time? with Jesse and Paul. Listeners in Oregon can also find out about his live appearances at